Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Books on Modesty and Femininity

Hello Everyone! Today i wanted to share with you a few of the books i really enjoyed reading on modesty, being feminine and following the word of God.
1. Dressing with Dignity: By Colleen Hammond
 This book is my absolute favorite. It talking about being respectful, feminine and dressing modestly, i love the style of writing she used, it felt like i was talking to her. The topics really hit home for me and i highly recommend reading this book, especially if your just staring out on your quest for modesty.
2. Beautiful Girlhood: Mabel Hale

  This book is better for a younger reader, it teaches girls from a very young age how to be feminine, meek and modest. I enjoyed reading this book when i was younger, and it taught me many things. It also  comes with a companion guide for the mothers to read if the girl is especially young :)
3.Lies Young Women Believe and the truth that set's them Free: By DeMoss Nancy Leigh

  I read this Book awhile back, so it's a little fuzzy (i'm looking forward to reading it again) However i do remember really loving reading it, and learning many things from it. The book mainly talks about what it says on the title, the silly things that some young girl believe to be the truth and showing them God's way of doing things. The writers of this book also have a wonderful blog. www.liesyoungwomenbelieve.com/
4. The Standard of Modesty: By Sarah Queen  
I loved this book when I was younger I'm sure I'v read it at least four times, it's an excellent workbook, and
teaches young girls many things about being modest and feminine  

5. The Bible

 Yes there It is! The Holy Bible is the ABSOLUTE best book to read when looking for answers on modesty and femininity.


  1. I loved reading dressing with dignity, i read it a few years ago. the books you mention that I don't have yet I'm gonna try and get.

  2. @Kate I'm glad:) These are all wonderful books and I wish you luck in your search for them.
