Saturday, July 28, 2012

Your Opinions on Modesty?

Hello everyone! I wanted to ask all of you what your opinions on modesty are, including any guys opinion as well. I have made a post previously that was listing my opinions on what modesty is, how ever now I am curious as to what anyone of my viewers opinions are on this subject. Please comment below and let me now what you think! Have a Blessed day. 


  1. Hi, just found this blogg today, love it already ;) I am apostolic pentecostal (upci), and I am from Norway, so sorry for the english ! ;) My convicions is: skirts (no pants, ever!) skirt have to cover my knees at ALL time, so I like to have skirts that are mid calf length. Shirts, I prefere, cover my uper arm, I like when it cover my albove too. I have been blessed with a large chest, so that is my biggest problem for modesty. I do not have a finger rule, for how low is too low, but because of my challange, I like the neckline to be pretty high. I nomally dont have problem with this, my problem is if it gets to tight, so I always look one extra time in the mirror to see if my bust can destract anyone, and have ask my pastor wife to tips me if it Get a problem (she has never, so maybe it is just me and my ideas ;) ) Hope this was some of and answer, and I follow you on polyvore too ;) Have a blessed day!

  2. @Johanne, your and my modesty standards are the same!:)I usually wear my skirts to my ankles though, and I too never wear pants as I have a heavier lower half and find them to be very immodest on my body type. I'm working on uploading a video about my modesty standards right now:) I'm so glad you like my blog, God bless sister!

  3. Hello, Taylor! How nice that you appreciate modesty! My wife also uses a lot of skirts. But I think the modesty is really undervalued subject here in Finland: really a bit teaching regarding the matter in churches... It is a miserable thing.. But but... now to the matter. I want to interview you for our blog. And also, to present you on our blog... I tell more about this, if you are interested in about this! Our site is here: and my e-mail address is: Be blessed in Lord Jesus Christ!

  4. I think modesty is often just a more pernicious, more pervasive, more tenacious, more debasing, more dangerous form of sexual objectification. I don't want to be defined by my sexual attractiveness, my sexual experience, my sexual acquiesce, my sexual adroitness, my sexual acumen, or my sexual desirability in any other way. But I also don't want to be defined by my heterosexuality, my asexuality, my androgyny, my modesty, my chastity, my virginity, my innocence, my sexual submissiveness, my sexual reticence, my frigidity, my prudishness, my purity, my femininity, my sexual propriety, or my sexual piousness. I am fine with being valued for my sexuality and my body. In fact, I appreciate it. But I don't want to be defined by either.
