Wednesday, November 14, 2012

We Can Do Anything With God

LIKE & SHARE that Christ gives you STRENGTH!

Watch this incredible story of a man who has overcome every obstacle by relying on his faith: ✶ ✶

Being a Christian isn't the easiest thing to do, especially in today's corrupt society. Stay strong sisters! We are Christ's soldiers! We must break away from this world and be separate for God. You will be put down, you will be questioned, you will be made fun of, but Christ was beaten and nailed to a cross for us, we CAN do this for Him. We CAN follow His word no matter what the consequences!Be pure of heart, mind, and body! Dress in a way you know is pleasing to Him, follow the path He has laid for women in the scriptures. Be great mothers, wives, friends,sisters,aunts! But most of all be great Christians! God bless all!      


  1. God Bless! Life is livable when you live like you are here, but not from here. Live in God.

  2. @Rev. D. A. Clymer God bless you too!
