Friday, November 9, 2012

Weekly Fashions

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SM Women's Larent Riding Boot
Small Triangular Cotton Scarf

Scoop Pocket Twill Skirt -
Lace Front Pullover Sweatshirt -

Floral Print Kabuki Top -
Long Sleeve Ruch Front Cardigan -

Cotton Dress

Blouse and Skirt


  1. Hi, I came across your blog from Is This Modest? I love your stand on head coverings. I want to do the same. Unfortunately when i mentioned this to my Mom, she doesn't want me to. She told me, she thinks it is cultish and I have already been accused of being Amish (and I am not). What is your parents views on it? I would love to know. I made the switch this summer to all skirts/dresses and love it.

  2. @Moriah Hello sister! I'm glad to hear your looking more into modesty! My parent's aren't necessarily supportive but they are starting to accept it. I would recommend showing your mother the Bible verses on head coverings so she can see it's in the Bible. And go and check out my article on "We can do anything with God":) I wrote it specifically for people going through what you are. God bless!

  3. I did. The Bible also says to honor our parents. So I will have to honor them. But then last night I read in 1st Corinthians 11:10, For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels. That is really interesting. I usually read out of NIV, but last night I read out of the KJV. I do grow my hair long, one because it is to my glory, and 2 because of dance. Which is one more block I have. What would I do during my dance classes? Thanks for your input. :~D Its nice to have another girl think the same way I do.

  4. @Moriah, just were it up, I personally don't dance but I think if you wore your hair in braid or something like that it wouldn't fly about. I understand what your saying about honoring your parents, mine aren't really against it so they allow me to glorify God in this way. God bless sister! and it's nice to met you too:)

  5. Thanks for everything! :~D I actually created a bun cover for dance.It was really nice talking with you. I hope you continue to grow in your faith. You are welcome to look at my blog, Home on the Erie canal. Right now it is a Christmas countdown, but I have some posts on there about modesty, and skirts.

  6. @Moriah Glad I could help, and i'll be sure to put it on my reading list!
